Northern Lights
Learn more about the Minnesota Cannabis College at mncannabiscollege.org
Northern Lights
S2 E17 | OCM Report, Decisions from the Court, and Financial Support (w/ Dave Woodbeck, Dope CFO)
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It's the final episode of the first month of 2025, and what a year it's been! Jordan, Steve, and Tanner kick things off with the latest news, diving into highlights from the 2025 OCM Annual Report, the public's reactions to proposed rule changes, and the ongoing legal battles over the state’s canceled preapproval lottery. Plus, we play a round of Blazed and Confused, our stoner-themed “Would You Rather” game.
In our featured interview, Tanner is joined by Dave Woodbeck of Dope CFO to discuss cannabis accounting and financial strategy. Dave shares his journey from traditional accounting to cannabis, his work with Dope CFO, and critical financial advice for cannabis startups in Minnesota.
This week, the crew is trying Unwind's Energized Orange Cream gummies. The staff at Unwind recommends these gummies for getting things done, embracing creativity, or getting the giggles. Check them out today in Moorhead!
Finally, as always, we wrap things up with some quirky High Notes from the crew. Another week, another fresh episode of Northern Lights!
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Links from the Show:
- OCM 2025 Reports - https://mn.gov/ocm/about-us/reports/
- Draft Rules from the Office of Cannabis Management (Jan 13, 2025) - https://mn.gov/ocm/assets/RD4844-11295180100844890568-011325_tcm1202-664935.pdf
- Public Comments for the Office of Cannabis Management Expedited Rulemaking Process - https://minnesotaoah.granicusideas.com/discussions/40360-minnesota-office-of-cannabis-management-notice-of-intent-to-adopt-expedited-rules-without-a-hearing?
- Dave Woodbeck - https://www.linkedin.com/in/davewoodbeck/ (or via dave.woodbeck@dopecfo.us or 651-592-3461)
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
- North Star Cannabis Consulting - https://zaap.bio/northstarcannabisconsulting/
- Dope CFO - https://wooddopecfo.wordpress.com/
- EcoGarden Supply - https://www.ecogardensupply.com/
- Union Bank and Trust - https://www.ubtmn.com/
- PLNTRK - https://www.plntrk.com/